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Monday 30 April 2018

Past Papers The Sea Edward Bond MA English part II PU 2014 to 2018

2014 year
4 : Why does Bond refuse to suggest a solution to the problems of the society ? what are the recommendation made in The Sea regarding the responsibility of the individual in the search for the truth?

7: Write a critical note on the following:
Tragedy- from Sophocles to Edward Bond.

Supplymentry. Year 2014
4 : The Sea questions the moral and social hypocritical attitudes that dominate our private and public behaviour without suggesting any alternatives. What is the use of such a play?
7: Write a critical note on the following
a: The first scene of the Sea.

2015 annual year
Q 5: What does Bond gain by inserting The classical tragedy of Orpheus within the tragedy of modern world in The Sea.

Supplementary 2015 year
6: How far would you agree that the ending of the play The Sea is justified?

 2016 year
5: How does Edward Bond synthesize the classical and romantic dramatic traditions with, modern political theatre in The Sea?
2017 year
How far do you think that the last scene of Bond's play The Sea is dramatically effective?

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