Welcome to English Literature and Linguistics, Join Online Classes (Only For Ladies)


Wednesday 22 December 2021



Tuesday 14 December 2021

In Doctor Faustus, is Faustus's damnation tragic or an act of justice? Discuss in detail.


1. In Doctor Faustus, is Faustus's damnation tragic or an act of justice? Discuss in detail.

1.Hubris=  pride, errogance

Hamartia= error of judgement

Sell his soul

2. act of justice,

evil ways , necromancy,

Poetic justice

Virtue  is rewarded, vice, evil will be punished

Role of mephistophilis

Role of  Helen

Role of seven deadly


 Discuss the role of Mephistophilis .

How much of a role does he play in Faustus' s damnation(2018)


YEAR 2011

Note the appearance of Helen of Troy Sc.12. What role does she play in the drama of Faustus's damnation? What does her presence suggest about Marlow's attitude toward women?


Frailty, thy name is women


Theme of Damnation

                                                     Theme of Damnation
Properly speaking the theme of a literary work is its central idea which may be stated directly or indirectly. Marlowe’s Dr.Faustus is no exception in this regard. The play has a clear theme which is indirectly stated through the representation of Faustus’ life on the stage. Beyond any doubt the central theme of the play is the eternal damnation of an insatiable scholar who falls a prey to presumption or pride caused by his excessive learning.
                                          “Till, swollen with cunning of a self-conceit,
                                           His waxen wings did mount above his reach,
                                            And, melting, heavens conspired his overthrow.”
If we read and analyze the life of Dr.Faustus carefully, we shall find that Dr.Faustus earns eternal damnation through a gradual process. This process of heading towards eternal damnation is quite opposite of sudden. In simple words Faustus commits four deadly sins and paves his way to hell. These four deadly sins are the sin of presumption, the sin of blasphemy, the sin of demoniality and the sin of despair. The committal of these four mortal sins on the part of Dr.Faustus constitutes the gradual process of his damnation.
Firstly the seeds of self-damnation are sown by Faustus in form of his presumption and pride. In his pride and arrogance, Faustus reminds us of Lucifer. Lucifer was created and placed above cherubim by God. This superior status caused Satan to presume unto the throne of God with the intention of thrusting God out of his seat. Upon this presumption Satan was cast down by the Lord into the darkness of Hell. Quite like Lucifer, Faustus happens to attains the status of superiority among his fellow scholars for his learning. This superior and excessive learning accounts for his pride and presumption. Proud and presumptuous Faustus ponders upon his status as a man and is almost disgusted with his human status.
                                  “Yet art thou still but Faustus, and a man.”
Faustus arrogance and haughtiness cause him to think of becoming a demi-god.
                                        “here tire, thy brains, to get a deity.”
In this presumptuous pursuit, Faustus is assisted and escalated by his German friends Veldese and Cornelius. They coax him to practice Necromancy which, they claim, would immortalize him.
                                       “Go forward Faustus, in that famous art.
                                           Be thou on earth as Jove in the Sky”
Such presumptuous and audacious fancies lead him to another sin,
the sin of blasphemy. Under the spell of his vain presumption, Faustus analysis the prospects and suitability of traditional sciences and shuns them haughtily and chooses necromancy hastily.

                                            “Philosophy is odious and obscure;
                                              Both Law and Physic are for petty wits;
                                              Divinity is basest of the three.
                                              Tis magic, magic, that hath ravish’d me”

He dives further into the sin of blasphemy when he dares to defy God and abjure Trinity. Even he declares to dedicate himself of Beelzebub.
                                                  “There is no chief but only Beelzebub.”

His presumption leads him to his bargain with the devils and he writes a deed of gift with his unwilling blood. Although he goes through a spiritual conflict in form of good angel and bad angel. Here too inclines himself to evil forces and further towards damnation.


Human is prone towards evil by nature.

                                              “What power can hurt me? Faustus thou art safe.”

The third sin is committed by Faustus while he is availing himself of the life of sensuous joys. The apex of these sensual joys reaches when he gratifies himself with the” Sweet embraces” of Helen, an impersonated devil. Thus by embracing a devil, Faustus commits the sin of demoniality.

                                              “Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss.”

The last but not least, the sin of despair is committed by Faustus. When the old man comes for the final attempt on the part of forces of goodness, Faustus thinks of repentance but at the same time despairs.

                                                “I do repent, and yet I do despair.”

At this the holy man realizes that Faustus is devoid of soul and the grace of heaven. That is how Faustus pushes himself towards lasting damnation. His ruin roots in his pride and is culminated by his despair. His hellish fall is a stern warning in general to all human beings and in particular to the forward wits.
                                                “Faustus if gone: Regard his hellish fall,
                                                  Whose fiendful fortune may exhort the wise,
                                                  Only to wonder at unlawful things,
                                                   Whose deepness doth entice such forward wits,
                                                   To practice more than heavenly power permits.”



The end of Faustus and his eternal damnation shows that humans that there is a moral decision to make on a daily basis. For what humans cannot achieve through mortal means should be left to having faith in God over the evils and the seven deadly sins the devil uses to seduce


Idea of damnation in dr Faustus

Dr. Faustus is the Christian story that deals with these topics in the heart of religion’s understanding of the world. Firstly, there is this purpose of sin, which religion defines as acts contrary to the purpose of God. In making the treaty with Satan, Faustus commits the transgression to refuse God and he consciously and still eagerly renounces obedience to him, choosing instead to swear allegiance to Lucifer, the prince of devils. In the Christian theory, however, even the worst act will be forgiven through the redeeming force of Jesus, god’s son, who according to devotion and belief, died on the cross for humankind’s sins. So, however terrible Doctor Faustus’s pact with Satan may exist the expectation of salvation is always welcome him. All that he wants to do, theoretically, is take deity for mercy. Doctor Faustus is the tragic hero of Marlowe’s story. Doctor Faustus exhibits pride, regret without action and self-doubt at times. He also displays cowardice towards the devils such as Lucifer and Mephistopheles. He is a contradictory character who is capable of extraordinary eloquence and sinful desire with an intentional blindness and willingness to misuse powers that he gained at the great cost of his soul.

If the time of Doctor Faustus is carefully analyzed, we can see that Doctor Faustus earns eternal damnation through a gradual process. The process of leading up to eternal damnation is actually quite step by step for him. Doctor Faustus commits several deadly sins and paves his way into hell. The seven deadly sins that parade around Doctor Faustus to tempt him are the personifications of pride, covetousness, wrath, envy, gluttony, sloth and lechery. When Doctor Faustus accepts these seven deadly sins for what they are, it represents his personal gradual process into eternal damnation. Their parade from beginning to end is a parade of his own mortal vices. Doctor Faustus’s excessive desire for everything is one of the early more noticeable signs of his association with the seven deadly sins. The definite extent of where Faustus can go beyond reasoning cannot be found in the mortal areas of art, medicine, law and theology. Art could not pique the interest of his mind. Medicine could not give him the power over life and death. Law is too servile in its limitations for justice. Theology is too confining for a normal person to figure out what is true or not.

Doctor Faustus went above normal mortal means to satisfy his avarice for knowledge and pride for being above the average human for having such a mind. It wouldn’t be an overstatement to say that he craves everything (power, knowledge, etc.) and Mephistopheles can tell what his weakness is. Pride is shown to be a reoccurring deadly sin. Pride is what caused Lucifer to fall from heaven and turn into Satan, the god of hell and pride was the first sin to appear before Faustus. Pride causes actions to be carried out for one’s personal worth and through a self-regarding heart. That goes against the honesty that comes from virtue and truly striving to make oneself worthy of respect. Doctor Faustus doesn’t maintain virtue throughout the story, but rather acknowledges that selfish and impure pride in his heart.

Faustus does not realize how tempting the seven deadly sins are when he tries to take control of them, which in turn allow the seven deadly sins to control him throughout the story. When Faustus signs the contract in blood with Mephistopheles, he is tempted by the devil’s offer to grab crowns and riches, which satisfy the pride, envy and covetousness in his mind.  After signing the contract in blood, he craves a wife, but is given courtesans instead to satisfy his craving for lust. The blood in this contract symbolizes the signing of his soul to Lucifer as well as his gradual approach to damnation. Faustus actively makes a decision to ignore the signs and warnings that he receives throughout the story. After signing the contract, the words, “Homo Fuge” appear on his arm. When he started to doubt himself, he fell back into his covetousness with the offerings of Mephistopheles.

The word Damnation doesn’t terrify Faustus. Marlowe switches Doctor Faustus from talking in the first person to him talking in the third person which suggests that Faustus is making an attempt to distance himself from the unavoidable damnation that he faces. To disassociate himself from it some manner, he speaks in the third person. God is a continual presence throughout the story and the readers are never allowed to that in heaven Gods knows. Marlowe shows how devastating it can be when man abuses power and uses it for personal gain. When Faustus takes advantage of that power, Marlow illustrates how important the gift of free will is, which is taken away from Faustus at the end when his twenty-four hours came to an end. Throughout the play, Faustus had a good angel on one shoulder and a bad angel on the other. Typically, the good angel is a consciousness advising a person not to do anything malicious or covetous. Through these angels he knew which presented the righteous path he should chose, and which presented the covetous path that would lead him to his desires. Faustus acknowledged that he was stupid to toss aside an afterlife in heaven for the temporary joy that he would receive of fulfilling his desires. By following the bad angel’s advice, he was led down the path where his free will was taken away. Although society is made to believe that good triumphs over evil, in this case that was not the norm. In the beginning to himself, he seemed like a good and devout person that had been on his search for knowledge and answers. Searching for knowledge then unknowingly to himself turned in a craving for knowledge and desire to use his intellect. Over time, Doctor Faustus was fulfilled with the seven deadly sins, but failed to realize that he was blameworthy for each of the seven deadly sins.

There was the elderly person that invited him over with the intent of saving him. After speaking to Faustus about how Faustus has rebelled against God, Faustus had yet to acknowledge that he had put the safety of his soul, his legacy and his existence on the line by displeasing God. After being open to what the old man was saying, Faustus had been confronted by Mephistopheles to remind him of the blood contract made with Satan. Faustus was blind and grief stricken that he did not notice that Mephistopheles responded out of fear. Fear drives people into taking quick action against an undesired result. Faustus had then accepted that his soul was to belong to Lucifer without taking any action to repent. Throughout the entire story, Faustus had only taken actions to show that he had considered repenting his sins but had never taken any action in doing so due to being tempted for the entirety of the twenty-four-hour period by the seven deadly sins, Mephistopheles and Lucifer. Doctor Faustus digs himself into a deeper hole although he is urged by others to atone and apologize for his choice to sell his soul to Lucifer and for committing sins. When Faustus and Helen leave, the old man is being tormented by devils that were sent by Faustus himself. The old man was not deserving of such an atrocity for showing Faustus that his soul was in danger. Because Faustus was caught up and stuck in his head, he does not take any action to repent. Faustus had committed on of his last sins to convince himself that he was past atonement from that point on.

Doctor Faustus was not deserving of repentance at the end. He had various chances to show that he wanted to take back his initial actions of choosing Lucifer, the prince of devils, thus refusing God. The end of Faustus and his eternal damnation shows that humans that there is a moral decision to make on a daily basis. For what humans cannot achieve through mortal means should be left to having faith in God over the evils and the seven deadly sins the devil uses to seduce.





The end of Faustus and his eternal damnation shows that humans that there is a moral decision to make on a daily basis. For what humans cannot achieve through mortal means should be left to having faith in God over the evils and the seven deadly sins the devil uses to seduce


Tuesday 7 December 2021


 Register in Stylistics

Language Registers

Register in linguistics refers to the patterns of communication used in particular settings and for specific purposes. It is often an indicator of the formality or official nature of an occasion, or a mark of authority.

Linguists make the distinction that register varies with use, rather than with the user. For example, most people's speech contains pointers, lexical, syntactical, and phonological, of their class or social status. Such speech changes register when it is altered to fit an occasion, such as appearing in court or speaking to a bureaucrat, writing a scientific paper, making a business presentation, or interacting with an older relative or small child.

Register is marked by changes in syntax, accent or phonology, vocabulary, morphology. The study of register is commonly thought of as sociolinguistics, though it is also studied by other disciplines such as pragmatic grammar and stylistics.  

Register is also identified by non-linguistic markers, such as body language and attire, The term has been used since the 1960s, when linguist Michael Halliday identified three variables or types of factors that affect register: Tenor, Field and Mode

·         Tenor: The relationship between the speakers matters, such as when a student is talking to a teacher, an offender to a police officer, an office worker to a superior, or a parent to an infant (baby talk). Here register is generally a marker of formality or intimacy, and commonly affects phonology, pragmatic rules, and accent.

·         Field: The subject of conversation or discourse matters, as particular situations call for particular kinds of vocabulary, mood etc. These variations are often called jargon, but are sometimes simply the form of a particular profession. For instance, priests use liturgical language, lawyers use 'legalese'. Philosophers use the language of subjectivity or rationality, while programmers have their own lexicon.

·         Mode: The medium of communication matters, such as whether it is spoken or written, and if either, on the level of formality or professionalism needed to be conveyed. Instant messaging, for example, is less formal than a handwritten letter, and a professional presentation is different from a coffee shop conversation. Here and in register determined by field, authority and expertise is being conveyed as much as formality.

There are five language registers or styles. Each level has an appropriate use that is determined by differing situations. It would certainly be inappropriate to use language and vocabulary reserve for a boyfriend or girlfriend when speaking in the classroom. Thus the appropriate language register depends upon the audience (who), the topic (what), purpose (why) and location (where).

You must control the use of language registers in order to enjoy success in every aspect and situation you encounter.

1.      Static Register

This style of communications RARELY or NEVER changes. It is “frozen” in time and content. e.g. the Pledge of Allegiance, the Lord’s Prayer, the Preamble to the US Constitution, the Alma Mater, a bibliographic reference, laws .

2.      Formal Register

This language is used in formal settings and is one-way in nature. This use of language usually follows a commonly accepted format. It is usually impersonal and formal. A common format for this register are speeches. e.g. sermons, rhetorical statements and questions, speeches, pronouncements made by judges,  announcements.

3.      Consultative Register

This is a standard form of communications. Users engage in a mutually accepted structure of communications. It is formal and societal expectations accompany the users of this speech. It is professional discourse. e.g. when strangers meet, communications between a superior and a subordinate, doctor & patient, lawyer & client, lawyer & judge, teacher & student, counselor & client,

4.      Casual Register

This is informal language used by peers and friends. Slang, vulgarities and colloquialisms are normal. This is “group” language. One must be member to engage in this register. e.g. buddies, teammates, chats and emails, and blogs, and letters to friends.

5.      Intimate Register

This communications is private. It is reserved for close family members or intimate people. e.g. husband & wife, boyfriend & girlfriend, siblings, parent & children.

Rule of Language Use:

One can usually transition from one language register to an adjacent one without encountering repercussions. However, skipping one or more levels is usually considered inappropriate and even offensive.

Thursday 2 December 2021

inspiration builds character

Wednesday 1 December 2021


Monday 29 November 2021


Ambulances by Philip Larkin critical appreciation

Ambulances by Philip Larkin text

Saturday 27 November 2021

1984 by George Orwell

Friday 26 November 2021

linguistics paper 2021 university of sargodha part 2



Thursday 25 November 2021

How to improve your performance groom your personality?

Wednesday 24 November 2021

Short Questions and Answers of #Linguistics

 Short Questions and Answers of #Linguistics

Note: I have collected important questions of Linguistics from different examinations and answered here.

How is language Arbitrary?

There is no logical relation between the sound or written word and the object. Same object have different names in different areas shows that there is no logical relation between word and object. So, language is arbitrary.

How is linguistics a Science?

Linguistics is the scientific study/ systematic study of language. In linguistics the method is applied by making observations, testing hypotheses and deriving theories. So, linguistics is a science but social science not a practical science.

What is meant by Syn-chronic and Diachronic study of language?

Syn-chronic study of language is the study of language at a fix point or present but Diachronic study of language is the study of language change or study of language through history.

How does Ferdinand De Saussure make a distinction between Langue and Parole?

According to Ferdinand de Saussure the distinction between langue and parole is that langue is the structure of language in the mind/grammar of language in mind and the parole is the speech or written language.

What does Noam Chomsky mean by Competence?

According to Noam Chomsky competence mean the linguistic knowledge of the native speaker to understand and speak.

How does Noam Chomsky argue about Performance?

According to Noam Chomsky the performance is the actual use of language in concrete situation. It is like Parole as described by Ferdinand de Saussure.

What is LAD according to Chomsky?

According to Noam Chomsky the LAD (Language Acquisition Device) is instinctive mental facility to acquire and speak language.

What are different Organs of Speech?

The different Speech Organs are teeth, lips, tongue, nasal cavity, alveolar ridge, hard palate, velum (soft palate), uvula and glottis etc.

What is meant by Received Pronunciation (RP)?

Received Pronunciation (RP) means the standard accent of British English Language. It is associated with formal speech.

Differentiate between Dialect and Idiolect.

Dialect is variety of language used by a social or regional group and Idiolect is the variety of language used by an individual.

Define Register.

Register is the use of variety of language by the group of peoples of different professions like lawyers and doctors etc.

Define Syntax.

Syntax is the arrangement of word to create a phrase or
sentence in language. It is grammar or the rules to construct a sentence.

Differentiate between Pidgin and Creole.

Pidgin is the mixture of multi languages used by traders as second language and Pidgin when used by the peoples as first language it becomes Creole or Linguafranca.

What are Bound and Free Morphemes?

Bound Morphemes are element of a word with prefixes or suffixes cannot stand alone as a word but Free Morphemes stand alone, a single morpheme as a word.

What is multilingualism? Give examples.

Multilingualism means use of two or more languages by an individual or society. for example Punjabi and Urdu or Sindhi, Punjabi and Urdu etc.

What is code switching and code mixing?

Code Switching is using more than one language and changing from one language to another but Code Mixing is using more than one language as mixture, use of multi languages in one sentence.

What is language lateralization?

Language lateralization refers to the functions of the left and right hemispheres in the brain and distinct functions of left and right hemisphere.

What is the difference between derivational morpheme and inflectional morpheme?

Inflectional morpheme is a morpheme that does not change the category of the word like smaller from small these both are adjectives. For example: great greater, tall taller, old older and short shorter.
Derivational morpheme is a morpheme that change the category of the word like movement from move here movement is a noun and move is a verb. Improve improvement, easy easily and entertain entertainment.

What is the difference between voiced and voiceless sounds?

Voiced sounds are those in which vocal chords vibrate and in voiceless sounds vocal chords do not vibrate. For example “v, m, n, b and d” are voiced and “s, h and f” are voiceless.

What are in-fixes?
In-fixes are affixes that inserted nor in beginning neither at the end but in the base word. For example: cupsful from cupful.

What is Hyponymy?

The semantic relation of words between specific words and its general or broader term is called Hyponymy. For example Rose and flower, gaze and see, Mango and fruit.

What is elision? Discuss briefly.

Elision in linguistic is the omission of sounds of vowel, consonant, syllable, word or phrase for the easy pronunciation.

Language can be described as a cognitive ability. Discuss briefly.

Language can be described as cognitive ability because through learning the grammatical rules and vocabulary we can speak language. For example second language learning through grammatical method.

Define the scope of Morphology with examples.

In morphology we study the structure of word or shape of word. Morphology helps us to understand structure of words easily. For example balls consist of ball+s, clothes consist of cloth+es in these words the morphemes s and es show the plural form of a word.

List and elaborate parameters for the description of English vowel sounds.

Vowel parameters used in the description of English vowel sounds are tongue height, tongue advancement and lips’ position. That tongue movement is high, mid or low, tongue advancement is towards front, center or at the back and lips’ position is rounded or non rounded.

Differentiate between free morpheme and bound morpheme?

Free morpheme is an independent morpheme, it is a minimal meaningful unit and bound morpheme is dependent morpheme, its meaning depends upon other morpheme. For example; ‘dogs’ here ‘dog’ is free morpheme and ‘s’ is bound morpheme which shows plural form.

How would you define pitch movement in language?

Pitch movement is created through the vibration of vocal folds.

Compare behaviorist and cognitive theories of language learning.

Behaviorist theory base on the stimulus-response that does something and have reward or punishment.
Cognitive theory base on understanding, that you understand the rules of language and can speak or write that language.

Define connotative and denotative meaning with examples.

Denotative meanings are the dictionary meanings or precise, basic and specific meanings, and connotative meanings are the associations with the word like metaphor and symbolic meanings.

Define Alveolar sounds. Give examples.

Alveolar is the ridge behind the teeth and alveolar sound is produced when blade of tongue touch or near to touch the alveolar ridge. For example; the consonant sound of d, t and n.

Define syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations with examples.

The syntagmatic is concern the positioning of the words and phrases or lateral positioning. Paradigmatic is concerning the substitution words or vertical relation. For example; syntagmatic: He goes to the school. To the school he goes. Paradigmatic: He goes to the school. He goes to the home.

What is Displacement in the study of language?

Displacement in the study of language is language’s capability to communicate those things which are not present at that time.

What are minimal pairs?
Minimal pairs are the pair of words which differs only single phonological element and have different meanings. For example; tall and fall, sale and safe, and bit and bat.

Sunday 7 November 2021


Wednesday 27 October 2021

Monday 25 October 2021

Tuesday 19 October 2021

Sunday 17 October 2021

عذاب اور آزمائش By Asma Sheikh MA English

Sunday 12 September 2021

overs seas pakistanis Jeddah past papers


Thursday 2 September 2021

Faerie Queen as an allegory

Saturday 28 August 2021

💖Oedipus Rex as a Tragedy

 💖Oedipus Rex as a Tragedy

Oedipus Rex is one of greatest literary creations ever produced by man. The greatness and uniqueness of the play is attributed mainly to its perfection as a tragedy. Viewed from Aristotelian point of view, we find the play perfectly compatible with standards set by Aristotle. Even Oedipus Rex was the source of inspiration for Aristotle to ordain the principal rules or the qualities of a perfect tragedy. Before discussing Oedipus Rex as a tragedy, we should recall how Aristotle defined tragedy and its ingredients.
According to Aristotle:-
“Tragedy is an imitation of an action, serious, complete and of certain magnitude, in a language beautified in different parts with different kinds of embellishments, through action and not narration and through scenes of pity and fear bringing about the Catharsis of these emotions”
Aristotle points out six essential elements of a tragedy which are Plot, Tragic hero, Thought, Diction, Chorus, Spectacle.
Let us see how Oedipus Rex possesses all the ingredients and excellences of a perfect tragedy determined by Aristotle. The first and most essential element of a tragedy is its plot which can be called the soul of tragedy. The plot of Oedipus Rex is perhaps the best among all dramatic creations. Its excellences are perfectly in accordance with Aristotelian standards. The salient features of the plot of Oedipus Rex are as follows.
Unity and Coherence:-
According to Aristotle the greatest feature of a good plot is its unity. We find that the entire plot of Oedipus Rex is a perfect and coherent sequence of separate incidents which are logically inter-connected and which cannot be separated from each other.
Basic function of Tragedy:-
Another feature of a good plot is its capacity to arouse the feelings of pity and fear, and to bring about the catharsis of these emotions. The plot of Oedipus Rex fulfills this basic demand of a tragedy. Various happenings in the play do arouse the feelings of pity and fear among the audience. The misery of Thebans afflicted with deathly sickness, clash between Oedipus and Teiresias, the allegations of Oedipus and Creon for each other, the horrible discovery of truth about Oedipus, the acts of Jocaste’s suicide and gouging of Oedipus’ eyes, the plight of Oedipus’ children, all is so fearsome and pitiable. Most importantly pity is aroused chiefly through the tragic fate of Oedipus and fear is aroused through the sense of uncertainty which is ever hovering over human life.
Dramatic irony:-
The plot of the play is logical and effective. It is also complex and replete with dramatic irony. This dramatic irony is created through dialogues and situations. Oedipus’ promise to punish and banish the killer, the quarrel between Oedipus and Teiresias, Jocaste’s verdict about oracles, Oedipus’s effort to avoid the prophecy about him, all this and much more is fraught with dramatic irony.
Three unities:-
The plot of Oedipus Rex observes the three unities of action, place and time. We see that the plot has unity of action as the entire action centres round the one theme, the quest and inquiry of the murder of Laius. Similarly there is unity of place as the entire action takes place at one place, the royal palace and it occurs within 24 hours which is unity of time.
The second most important element of tragedy is tragic hero. According to Aristotle a tragic hero must be neither a villain nor saint.
He should be rather a man ordinary weaknesses and virtues, occupying a position of eminence and falling into ruin from that position not because of deliberate wickedness, but because of some error of judgement. If we examine Oedipus on these lines we find him a perfect example of a tragic hero. He is a man of royal birth, enthroned on seat of eminence. He is neither an angel nor a devil rather a blend of weaknesses and virtues. On one side he is famed as the man of all men, the wisest, the noblest, a caring king, a respecting husband and a loving father. On the other hand he is hot tempered, rude, stubborn, over confident, proud of his genius, and blasphemous. He falls into ruin from the position of prosperity and prominence not due to any wicked deed rather due to the sins committed in ignorance. So Oedipus is a true tragic hero who is more sinned against than sinning.
Another essentiality of a tragedy is the song in form of the Chorus. The role of chorus is a vital part of Greek drama. In Oedipus Rex the role of chorus is very vital. It is part of dramatis personae. Choral Odes reflect the pathos and passion of changing situations in the play. The choragus speaks as a viewer, a commentator, an intervener and a coordinator.
Another essentiality of a tragedy which Oedipus Rex possesses is thought. The play Oedipus Rex accentuates the sublime thought which is reflection of sublime intellectual ability of its author. The questions which are raised throughout the play are perhaps too serious and sublime to be ever answered. These questions pertain human status in the world, the relation between God and man, the role of fate and character in shaping out human lot and such other issues.
Finally the cruel role of fate in the tragedy of the hero makes the tragedy poignant and pinching. Following the Greek tradition Sophocles gives fate most predominant role in Oedipus Rex. On the whole the tragedy of Oedipus is the tragedy of fate. This makes the play one of the greatest tragedies.
We can wind up this discussion with the conclusion that Oedipus Rex is a perfect example of a perfect tragedy. No other play from the comity of great plays observes the rules of a tragedy more precisely and perfectly. It possesses all the essentialities and excellences that are mentioned by Aristotle in his “Poetics”. It presents to us a terrible affirmation of man’s subordinate position in the universe and at the same time a heroic vision of man’s victory in defeat. Oedipus Rex has no parallel to its perfect plot and pathos, the suffering of the protagonist, arousal and catharsis of emotions of pity and fear, dramatic irony, dialogue and diction.💖

Friday 27 August 2021

Past papers (DRAMA –I) JEW of MALTA (UOS)

 Past papers (DRAMA –I)


Objective Type:

1.                What does Ferneze suggest for Calymath in the end of Jew of Malta?

2.                What is the act 2 scene 1of Jew of Malta mainly about?

3.                What is meant by micavillain statement “end justifies the man.”

4.                What is brabas reaction on the death of Abigail?

5.                How does Ferneze and knights justify the confiscation of brabas wealth? 2017

6.                Why does brabas decide to kill ithamore? 2018

7.                Why does brabas scold the three jews in the senate house? 2016

8.                Why is ithamore so quick to scheme against brabas? 2015

9.                Why was brabas angry eith the three jews?


Subjective part

1.                “I count a religion but a childish toy and hold there and hold, there is no sin but ignorance”. How far is Marlow justified in these claims in the Jew of Malta? 2019


3.                Different aspects of religion

4.                Every character was a sinner in malta rather he belongs to any religion

5.                Maltese society waas full of evil hypocrisy, actually it was society not religion

6.                Each n everyone was ignored of religion, but not of worldy success.

7.                Machiavellian approach, utilitarian approach

8.                Religion was tackles as a tool.

9.                Discuss the character of Barabas in the play Jew of Malta? 2018

10.           Jew of Malta is a tragi-comedy, satire of religious hypocrisy and Machiavellian scheming. Agree or disagree with examples. 2017

Tragi-comedy definition

Tragedy,” says Aristotle, “is an imitation [mimēsis] of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude…through pity and fear effecting the proper purgation [catharsis] of these emotions.”

Comedy ,” says Aristotle, “is an imitation [mimēsis] of a non-serious action . of men worse than the average ,


11.           Renaissance spirit and Machiavellian policy dominate “jew of Malta. Elaborate? 2017 composite.

12.           Enlist the three major themes in jew of Malta 2016


Religion is childish tool

Machiavellian approach

Revenge and hatred

Lust for wealth

13.           What role does Abigail play within the text? Is she a tragic heroine, a disloyal daughter, or a victim to the prejudice of her peers? 2015 composite


14.           Discuss in detail, the character of Ferneze in jew of Malta?