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Saturday, 27 July 2019

(M.A English American literature)The most forceful theme can be conveye through the images in the poem.

(M.A English American literature)The most forceful theme can be conveye through the images in the poem.
Q:1- The most forceful theme can be conveyed through the images in a poem. Elaborate with close reference to at least Two poems from your course?
The extensive use of imagery in the poem makes the subjects and themes stand solid in front of the reader's eyes, which makes the poems pleasant to read and easy to understand.
Images makes the poem good enough to be better understand by the readers. The finest way to explan the theme is to employ a range of images to make the theme strong and solid. Images makes the theme of a poem strong enough to be perfectly understand by a reader.
Image- making, according to Aristotle, is the most important faculty of a poet, and to make an image is to discover similarity and dissimilar objects.
For the poet language is the language of imagery, and his images, perfect and satisfying as they are, always represent truth, no matter how simple, no matter how difficult to translate again into abstract words.
Though the images, the vocabulary of a poetry is the vocabulary we hear around us. Presenting to us familiar images in our own daily language, the poet is able by the way in which he groups and associates his words and images to cast "a certain colouring of the imagination" over ordinary things and thus to express truth for us. As Livingston puts it," Poetry starts from poeactual and ends in the true".
It can be said that beautiful and good arrangement of images make the theme of the poem more strong and let the reader's to understand the point of view of the poet perfectly well. It is obvious and it is true as we take the example of Sylvia Plath's poem Your'e, we have several images which illustrates the theme of the poem. For example, in her poem Your'e the theme of mother's love love for her child is expressed through beautiful imagery. Speaking to the child the mother says:
"Clownlike, happiest on your hand
Feet to the stars, and moon-skulled,
Gilled like a fish".
The imagery refers to the child's happy mood. This poem is rich in images through which she strongly conveys her theme, the theme of mother's love for her child.
She shows purely mother's love by using beautiful imagery " mute as turnip", she playfully calls the child " my little loaf". She also takes deeper dip into the child's personality. She makes the theme most forceful by a sharp contrast of images: clownlike, feet to the stars, moon skulled, gilled like a fish, wrapped up in yourself like a spool, dark as owls, mute as a turnip, my little loaf, vogue as fog, snug as a bud, like a sprat, jumpy as a Mexican bean, right like a well- done sum. In each and every image we can easily found mother's love for her child. This poem ends on on outburst of passional, richly musical imagery:
"Like a sprat in a pickle jug,
A cred of eels, all ripples.
Jumpy as a Mexican bean
Right, like a well-done sum.
A clean slate, with your own face on."
To a mother a child is more than on thing; he is rather everything for her. The poetess paints a beautiful image of a mother with her child. The poem is richly expresses the pure love of a mother. We can say that the term "the most forceful theme can be conveyed through the imagery of a poem."
Another poem is Ariel of Sylvia Plath. In which she uses a lot of images like God's lioness, dead hands, nigger- eye, black sweet blood, dead hands, foam of wheat, the dew that fly, suicidal. Through these images she makes the most forceful theme of her soul's suffering and her suicidal wish.
To conclude we can say that the most forceful theme is conveyed through the images in the poem. Images give charm to the theme and the theme gets strong to be better understand by the readers and enhance their interest in the poem.

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