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Friday 27 August 2021

Past papers (DRAMA –I) JEW of MALTA (UOS)

 Past papers (DRAMA –I)


Objective Type:

1.                What does Ferneze suggest for Calymath in the end of Jew of Malta?

2.                What is the act 2 scene 1of Jew of Malta mainly about?

3.                What is meant by micavillain statement “end justifies the man.”

4.                What is brabas reaction on the death of Abigail?

5.                How does Ferneze and knights justify the confiscation of brabas wealth? 2017

6.                Why does brabas decide to kill ithamore? 2018

7.                Why does brabas scold the three jews in the senate house? 2016

8.                Why is ithamore so quick to scheme against brabas? 2015

9.                Why was brabas angry eith the three jews?


Subjective part

1.                “I count a religion but a childish toy and hold there and hold, there is no sin but ignorance”. How far is Marlow justified in these claims in the Jew of Malta? 2019


3.                Different aspects of religion

4.                Every character was a sinner in malta rather he belongs to any religion

5.                Maltese society waas full of evil hypocrisy, actually it was society not religion

6.                Each n everyone was ignored of religion, but not of worldy success.

7.                Machiavellian approach, utilitarian approach

8.                Religion was tackles as a tool.

9.                Discuss the character of Barabas in the play Jew of Malta? 2018

10.           Jew of Malta is a tragi-comedy, satire of religious hypocrisy and Machiavellian scheming. Agree or disagree with examples. 2017

Tragi-comedy definition

Tragedy,” says Aristotle, “is an imitation [mimēsis] of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude…through pity and fear effecting the proper purgation [catharsis] of these emotions.”

Comedy ,” says Aristotle, “is an imitation [mimēsis] of a non-serious action . of men worse than the average ,


11.           Renaissance spirit and Machiavellian policy dominate “jew of Malta. Elaborate? 2017 composite.

12.           Enlist the three major themes in jew of Malta 2016


Religion is childish tool

Machiavellian approach

Revenge and hatred

Lust for wealth

13.           What role does Abigail play within the text? Is she a tragic heroine, a disloyal daughter, or a victim to the prejudice of her peers? 2015 composite


14.           Discuss in detail, the character of Ferneze in jew of Malta?

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