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Tuesday 29 October 2019



The greatest of all Elizabethan dramatist  was Shakespeare.

According to Pope,
                                   Shakespeare was not an imitator but an instrument of nature. He did not speak for nature, rather it was nature who spoke through him."
Due to the great achievements of Shakespeare 16th century is known as the age of Shakespeare.
                         Shakespeare"A philosopher:

Shakespeare is know as the master of human psychology. It is his universal huminty,his well embrassing understanding of every human emotion and instinct, which made Shakespeare what he is the greatest philosopher of human heart ever known.
Shakespeare:- An Universal writer:
                      Shakespeare was not only the greatest figure of Elizabethan age but is still the source of inspiration and ideal of new generation.
                  According to Ben Johnson:
"Shakespeare was not of an age but of all time"
Hence we can say that he was not of a land but of all lands.
                  Shakespearean Comedy:
It was Shakespeare in whose hands the romantic comedies reached its climax.
Shakespeare's romantic comedies are all conceived in an imaginative setting far away from the dull and dreary world of everyday life.
In Shakespeare's comedies the major characters are heroines. It is understandable why Shakespeare in his comedies should give much importance ,know that these comedies are comedies of love ,and love for a man is just a part of his life and life's activity but for a women it is her whole life and its activity.
Comedies: The Merchant of Venice, Twelfth Night, much Ado about Nothing, Midsummer Night's Dream, 1st comedy " love's labour Lost"

Shakespearean Tragedy:
                                            Shakespeare wrote a number of tragedies the greatest among them are Macbeth, Othelo, king Lear and Hamlet.
A tragedy always end in suffering and death for otherwise it will not be tragedy.
Shakespeare's tragedy depicts always the suffering and death of the hero. If a play does not end in the death of hero, is not,in the Shakespearean sense a tragedy at all.
Shakespeare tragedies in the end hero's under stress appears shaken capacity for suffering.
Hamlet by his mental torture is virtually laid on the rock, Othelo experiences a tempest in his very soul.Lear turns mad, Macbeth loses all interest and is obliged to characterise it as .
"A tale told by an idiot ,full of sound and fury signifying nothing"
It means that he is more concerned with the darker side of human experiences and its destructive passions.
Caleopatra and Antony, Macbeth , king Lear, Othelo , Hamlet, Julius Ceaser etc.

Shakespeare's History plays"   
Shakespeare history plays are the product as well as the expression of intense feeling of patriotism.All of Shakespeare's history or Chronicle plays were written in the patriotic, feeling were as the higher pitch.
The major aim of Shakespeare's history plays was to make Englishmen proud of being Englishmen.
Shakespeare wrote some plays dealing with the history of England, Roughly speaking they cover three hundred and fifty years from 1200-1550. Richard 111(3), Richard 2(11),John king, Henry V111, three parts of Henry v1/ the two parts of Henry 1V, Henry V. First tragedy Richard 111 And youthful tragedy- Romeo and Juliet.
Shakwdoeare: the father of English language, who composed 154 sonnets and 38 plays..

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