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Friday 24 August 2018

Heart of Darkness past papers 2010-2019 SUPPLY

Heart of Darkness past papers 2010-2019 annual 

Q; write a critical note on the role and character of Marlowe in Heart of Darkness. [2010 annual]

Q; In Heart of Darkness, Conrad portrays the evils of 19th century colonialism in Africa with extraordinary vividness. Discuss. [2010 annual]

Q; Discuss the symbolic importance of the character in Heart of Darkness. [2010 supply]

Q; “Man’s inhumanity to man is his greatest crime”. Discuss the theme of Heart of Darkness in the light of this comment. [2010 supply]

Q; Discuss the symbolic representation of Evil in the “Heart of Darkness”. [2011 annual]

Q; write a note on Conrad’s imagery in the “Heart of Darkness”. [2011 annual]

Q; write a critical note on the role and character of either Marlowe or Kurtz in Heart of Darkness. [2011 supply]

Q; what are the main themes that Conrad’s brings out in the “Heart of Darkness”. [2011 supply]

Q; HEART OF DARKNESS is a “modern blend of comic absurdity ,tragedy, and satire” comment. [2012 annual]
Q; what means does Conrad employ to develop the relationship between the title; “THE HEART OF DARKNESS” and its Theme. [2012 annual]

Q; what are the major symbols in the Heart of Darkness and what purpose do these serve? [2012 supple]

Q; “Displaying masterful dexterity, Conrad makes us fully aware of the deer mystery of truth in his extraordinary explanation of human savagery and despair”. Heart of Darkness [2012 supple]

Q; what happens to Marlowe after Kurtz’s death? HEART OF DARKNESS [2013 annual]

Q; consider Heart of Darkness as a political allegory? [2013 annual]

Q; what is the effect of the narrative being told by Marlowe first hand in Joseph Conrad’s HEART OF DARKNESS? [2013 supple]
Q; Is Chinu Achebe correct in accusing HEART OF DARKNESS of being a racist novel? [2013 supple]
Q; Is Chiny Achebe right “HEART OF DARKNESS” is racist? Does the book present a simple and degrading view of the native Africans? [2014 annual]
Q; what are some symbols in HEART OF DARKNESS? How do they relate to the plot and characters? [2014 annual]
Q; what is Conrad ultimately trying to convey to the reader in HEART OF DARKNESS. [2014 supple]
Q; why does Marlowe lie to Kurtz finance about Kurtz lst words? [2014 supple]

Q; Conrad uses the technique of impressionism in HEART OF DARKNESS? Exemplify. [2015 annual]

Q; HEART OF DARKNESS is about the horrors of western civilization Comment. [2015 annual]

Q; Discuss HEART OF DARKNESS as a novel of imperialism. [2015 supple]

Q; Is Marlow the moral hero of HEART OF DARKNESS? [2015 supple]

Q; In HEART OF DARKNESS every time there is a shift between this narrator and Marlow who narrates most of the story. To what effect Conrad uses this technique. [2016 annual]

Q; what adverse effect colonization has on the European colonizers depicted in the HEART OF DARKNESS? [2016 annual]

Q; HEART OF DARKNESS is a searing indictment of western imperialism. Discuss. [2016 supple]

Q; HEART OFDARKNESS has a modernist narrative technique. Exemplify your answer. [2016 supple]

Q; HEART OF DARKNESS finally exposes the dark side of European imperialism? [2017 annual]

Q; who is the hero of die novel HEART OF DARKNESS? Does the hero holds out grace? [2017 annual].

Q.why does Marlow describe kurtz as a"universal genius"?(2018 annual)

Q.Discuss the importance of Congo river in this narrative ? Why does Marlow travel primarily by boat and seldom on land?(2019 annual )

Q.Marlow constantly uses vague and often redundant phrases like "unspeakable secrets"and " inconceivable mystery ".why does Marlow use vague and inconclusive language so frequently  . (2019 annual).


Q. Heart of the Darkness has a unique narrative style perhaps suitable to describe the magnitude of the project of imperial invasions.

Q. Why Marlow lies to The Intended at the end of the novel? 


Q. In its treatment of imperialism and individual experience, Heart of Darkness is on many levels a story about ambiguity. Illustrate.

Q. Do you think that the novel Heart of Darkness is meant to be political? What point was the author trying to make? Did he succeed?

Q. Achebe claims that in Heart of Darkness “Africa is used as a setting and backdrop which eliminates the Africans as human factor”


1. As you read the novel, be aware of how Conrad uses repeated "doubling" patterns of 

opposition and contrast in Heart of Darkness: light and dark, white and black, "savagery" 

and "civilization," outer and inner? What does Conrad accomplish by this contrast, 

especially of light and dark?

2. Marlow constantly uses vague and often redundant phrases like "unspeakable secrets”, 

"inconceivable mystery”, “impenetrable darkness”, and “insoluble problem”. At other times, 

however, he is capable of powerful imagery and considerable eloquence. Why does Marlow

 use vague, "inconclusive" language and opposing adjectives so frequently?

3. Analyze Marlow’s use of the terms “the idea” and “the work” in the novel. Why are there so 

many ironic suggestions to what these terms actually mean in his observations of the colonial

 practices in King Leopold’s Congo?

4. What is your understanding of Marlow’s references to “the thing” as his journey unfolds

 through the African rainforest?

5. Why is Conrad’s use of irony, as a narrative strategy, so powerful throughout the novel? 

In your opinion, what are the moments/events when Marlow’s ironic statements are the

 most powerful?

6. Interpret Kurtz's dying words ("The horror! The horror!"). What do they mean?

 What are the possible "horrors" to which he is referring? Why is Marlow the recipient 

of Kurtz's last words?

7. What do women represent in Heart of Darkness? There are three significant women in this story: 

Kurtz's Intended, Marlow's aunt, and the African woman at Kurtz's station. How are they described? 

Contrast Kurtz's African mistress with his Intended. Are both negative portrayals of women?

 Describe how each portrayal functions in the narrative. Does it make any difference in your 

interpretation to know that Conrad supported the women's suffrage movement? What does

 Marlow mean early in Part 1 when he suggests that women are "out of touch with truth" and

 live in a beautiful world of their own?

8. Describe the use of "darkness" both in the book's title and as a symbol throughout the text. 

What does darkness represent? Is its meaning constant or does it change?

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