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Friday 17 August 2018

Prose Past Paper 2nd Annual Solved ( 2017 ) UOS

1. how did the parents brought up their kids in lilliput?
Gulliver tells the reader that children are raised by the state rather than their parents. Different classes learn about different things. The nobility's children, for instance, learn about honor, justice, courage, modesty, clemency, religion, and love of country.
2. what is the houyhnhnm attitude to death?
Among the Houyhnhnms, nature and reason are identical. Death, hence becomes part of the natural order of life and they do not fear it.
3. What is meant by Irony?
Irony is a figure of speech in which words are used in such a way that their intended meaning is different from the actual meaning of the words. It may also be a situation that ends up in quite a different way than what is generally anticipated.
4. Why does Russell want a safe and prosperous future of mankind?
Ans. Russell wants a safe and prosperous future of mankind because he is a humanist. His pacifism, championship of democracy and moral fervour prove that he has the good of mankind at heart.
5. Difference between prose and Poetry
Poetry is language spoken or written according to some pattern of recurrence that emphasises relationships between words on the basis of sound as well as meaning. This pattern is almost always a rhythm or metre (regular pattern of sound units). This pattern may be supplemented by ornamentation such as rhyme or alliteration or both.
Prose is the form of written language that is not organised according to formal patterns of verse. It may have some sort of rhythm and some devices of repetition and balance, but these are not governed by regularly sustained formal arrangement. The significant unit is the sentence, not the line. Hence it is represented without line breaks in writing.
6. Why is Edward Said Famous For ?
As a cultural critic, Said is known for the book Orientalism (1978), a critique of the cultural representations that are the bases of Orientalism—how the Western world perceives the Orient.
7. How did Florence did get the name of The Lady of The Lamp ?
She earned the name “The Lady with the Lamp” because she would visit soldiers at night with a small lantern in her hand.
8. What was the specific reason Flimnap gave in his conference with the Emperor for discharging Gulliver?
Flimnap advised the Emperor to discharge Gulliver because the expense of supporting him was a strain on Lilliput’s economy.

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