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Saturday 18 August 2018

Tess of the D'Urbervilles Short Questions Answers

Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Short Questions Answers

What is the primary reason why the Durbeyfields send Tess to Trantridge Cross?
So that she may eventually marry a nobleman

What is the name of Tess's illegitimate child?

At what location does Alec seduce Tess?
The Chase

According to Joan Durbeyfield, what is the 'trump card' that Tess has?
Her face.

What is significant about Alec saving Tess from Car Darch?
Alec proves more dangerous to Tess than Car would have.

Why does Izz Huett suggest that Angel will never marry Tess?
Angel will become a large land-owning farmer and will marry an upper-class woman.

What is the significance of the story of Jack Dollop?
Tess draws upon her personal experiences and finds tragedy in a story that others find humorous.

What event causes Tess to realize Angel's affection for her?
Angel arranges the cows so that she may milk her favorite ones.

What motivates Tess to speak to Angel about her past?
Angel admits his sins to Tess.

What is the subject of the Biblical verse that the Clares read with Angel?
Praise for a virtuous wife.

Whom does Angel invite to accompany him to Brazil?
Izz Huett

Which character calls Tess "a damned witch of Babylon"?
Alec d'Urberville

When John learns about his noble ancestry, what kind of festival is Tess attending?
My Day

Where does Mrs. Durbeyfield hide her copy of the Compleat Fortune-Teller?
The outhouse

What is Mr. d’Urberville’s real last name?

What symbol is used to convey both the majestic grandeur and the lifeless hollowness of an aristocratic name?.
The d’Urberville family vault

Why does Tess take the job at the d’Urberville estate?
Her family needs money

Who is giving the barn sermon that Tess stops in to hear?
Alec d’Urberville

Who offers financial help after Tess’s father dies?
Alec d’Urberville

In a religious sense, what does Tess represent?
Fallen humanity

In a religious sense, who does Alec represent?

What does Retty Priddle do when Angel Clare chooses to marry Tess?
Attempts suicide

What job do Angel’s father and two brothers hold?

What is the name of the horse that dies in the crash during the return from market?

What job does Tess take at the d’Urberville estate?
Tending fouls

What does the sign painter stop to paint when he’s talking with Tess?

Who is the master dairyman at Talbothays?
Richard Crick

What instrument does Angel play?

What is interpreted as a sign that two people on the farm are in love?
Butter not churning properly

What plant causes the cow’s milk to have an unpleasant “twang?’
Garlic weed

Who do the Clares want Angel to marry?

What ill omen occurs on the afternoon that Tess and Angel are leaving for the wedding ceremony?
A rooster crows

Where is Tess when she is finally arrested?

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